Conditional Functional Dependency Discovery


Conditional Functional Dependencies (CFDs) have been proposed as a new type of semantic rules extended from traditional functional dependencies. They have shown great potential for detecting and repairing inconsistent data. Constant CFDs are 100% confidence association rules. The theoretical search space for the minimal set of CFDs is the set of minimal generators and their closures in data. This search space has been used in the currently most efficient constant CFD discovery algorithm. In this paper, we propose pruning criteria to further prune the theoretic search space, and design a fast algorithm for constant CFD discovery. We evaluate the proposed algorithm on a number of medium to large real world data sets. The proposed algorithm is faster than the currently most efficient constant CFD discovery algorithm, and has linear time performance in the size of a data set.

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Data in C4.5 file format




./rule -f adultAll -s 0.001 -l 8


-f file name without extension


-s the minimum support, in fraction.


-l the length of rules


discovered CFDs can be found in a CSV file, such as adultAllrule.csv.