The First IEEE ICDM Workshop on Causal Discovery (CD 2013)

December 7, 2013, Dallas, Texas

Held in conjunction with the 12th IEEE International Conference on Data Mining (ICDM 2013)

Camera-Ready Submission

Please find below the link to ICDMW 2013 author kit:


Please follow the instructions given by the author kit for submitting your camera-ready paper, which is due on October 26, 2013.


Submission (closed)

Papers submitted to this workshop must not be under review or accepted for publication elsewhere. All submitted papers will be reviewed and selected by the program committee on the basis of originality, technical quality, relevance to the workshop and presentation quality. Accepted papers will be included in the ICDM 2013 Workshop Proceedings published by IEEE Computer Society Press.

Papers must be limited to a maximum of 10 pages, and follow the IEEE ICDM format requirement. For paper formatting instructions, please visit:

Online paper submission system:

All papers should be submitted using the Cyberchair online submission system for this workshop. Click HERE to access the submission system.